Anchor Hocking Swedish Modern Pattern (12 Oz.) Tumbler set $34.99 (7) #101214
Amethyst Color Wine Flute Set 6"h x 2 1/2"dia (6 oz.) $44.99 (8 piece ) #65809
Antique Clear Sherbet Cups On Short Stem Diamond Point, Footed, Starburst On Its Sq. Base 3 5/8"h x 3 1/2"dia $34.99 (5) #64299
Consider These Waterford Crystal Of Ireland (8 Oz.)Nouveau Goblets $104.99 (3 PIECE ) #81402
Clear With Twisted Stem Zodiac sign Wine Glass Set (4 Oz. 5 1/4"h x 2 5/8"dia. base $19.99 (2) #87298
Grapes, Vines & Foliage Etched On Clear Hand Blown Glass Pitcher Set (1) pitcher (40 OZ.) 6 3/4"h x 7 3/4"w/handle
(5) glasses (6 Oz.) 7"h x 2 1/2" round base
$44.99 per set
This Upside Down Sombrero Rim Cries Out For Salt And Filled With That Eponymous Cocktail, These Margarita Glasses Are Slightly Tinted Green Glass $34.99 (4) #31556
Libbey Glass Metropolis Pattern (5) Piece Spanish Green Bubble Margarita Stemware Set (8 Oz.) 6″h x 4″dia. $54.99 (5) piece set #72147
Light Blue Glass Martini Glasses With Embossed Dots On The Interior Of The Bowl & Clear Glass Stem (8 Oz.) 7 7/8"h x 4 7/8"dia. $54.99 (5) piece set #40684
Light Blue Martini Glass Set With Clear Stem 7 1/2″h x 4 7/8″dia. $10.99 (1) 33200
Sleek & elegant Frosted Martini glass With long Stem
$15.99 each
Libbey's Metropolis Pattern Ice Tea Goblets With Cobalt Blue Bubble Stem & Base 16 oz. Goblets $34.99 (4) piece set #40925
Clear Glass Margarita Glass With Cobalt Blue Bubble Stem
(8 Oz.)
6"h x 4 1/2"dia.
12.99 each
Sherbet Set
$19.99 (3) piece set #31632
7 5/8"h
$9.99 each
Turquoise Tulip Stem Cocktail Glass (10 Oz.) 8"h x 4 1/4"dia $10.99 each #32607
Circle Ware -Turkey Amber Color Martini Glass 7 1/4"h x 4 7/8" dia.
$10.99 each
Circle Ware Turkey Cobalt Blue Martini Glass With A Clear Swelled Stem
$12.99 each
8 1/8"h
$10.99 each
Cobalt Blue Glass Wine Glass Flute With Silver Plated Heart Stem (8 Oz.) 10 1/8"h x 2 1/4"dia. Rim x 2 1/2"dia.base $9.99 each #85214
Felipe Delflingher Lomeli Brutalist 7 1/4"h $59.99 each #41956
Wine Flute Set With Etched Wax Myrtle Flower With Brush like Stamen
(6 Oz.) 7 1/4"h
$16.99 (2 piece)
Art Deco 5 Glasses-(10 Oz.) White Frosted Base $54.99 (5) #99855
Art Deco Glasses Black Swirl Frosted White Base (6 Oz.) 5 3/4"h x 4 1/4"dia x 3 3/8"base $34.99 (4 ) #81196
Art Deco Glasses (6 Oz.) (6 Oz.) 5 7/8"h x 4 1/4"dia. 3 3/8" Base $68.99 (8) #102974
Water Goblet Orchard Fruit Green by LIBBEY GLASS COMPANY
Water Goblet Orchard Fruit Green by LIBBEY GLASS COMPANY
16 Oz. 7"h x 3 1/4"dia
$10.99 each
Libbey Glass Silver Leaf Stemware Set $34.99 (7)
Mouth Blown Pop Belly Wine Glass Set (12 Oz.) 7 7/8"h x 2 3/4"dia. Rim $16.99 (2) #85230
7 1/2″h x 3 7/8″dia. $10.99 (1) #63080
(6 Oz.) 5 1/4"h x 2 1/2"dia. $29.99 (6) #42631
Smokey Wine Glass set
$19.99 per set
Smoky Amber Color Glass Stemware Set (8 Oz.) 5 7/8"h x 2 3/4" dia. rim x 2 3/4 base $34.99 (7) piece set #26217
Mouth Blown Glass Pop Belly Pitcher & Glass Set (1) Pitcher (64 Oz.10 1/2"h 3 1/2"dia base 4-(12 Oz.) 6 7/8"h x 2 5/8"dia. rim $44.99 (5) #85130
Smoky Amber Color Glass Dessert Cups (8 Oz. 3 3/4"h x 3 3/4"dia rim x 2 7/8"dia base $24.99 (3) #86744
Princess House Crystal Heritage Pattern Wine Glass Set Etched In Vining Floral
(6 Oz.) 4 3/8"h x 3 5/8"dia. x 2 7/8"round base
$24.99 (4)
Clear Crystal Wine Glass Set With Carved Fans On the Bowl Intertwined With The Star Of David. Multi-Sided Stem (8 Oz.) 7 1/2"h x 3 3/4"dia. x 3 "dia base $29.99 (4 piece) #82407
Star Of David $44.99 (7) #43925
Clear Crystal Cordial Set With Etched Flowers And Ferns, (3) Ring On Top Of Multi-Sided Stem
5 3/8"h
$24.99 (3 piece)
Clear Crystal Wine Glass Set With Carved Fans On the Bowl Intertwined With The Star Of David. Multi-Sided Stem (6 Oz.) 7 1/8"h x 3 3/8" $29.99 (4 piece set) #82405
Pineapple Pattern (4 Oz.) Sherry Glasses
2 piece ( 4 Oz.) 4 3/4"h x 2 5/8"dia. $16.99 per set
Antique Cobalt Blue Baluster Shape Jug Pitcher Set With l-Blue Tinted Stem s, Handblown Glass $379.99 per set SKU: 54565
8 Oz. 4 1/2"h x 2 1/4"rim x 2 5/8"base $34.99 (4) #85465
Clear Glass Brandy Sippers $34.99 (4) #59945
Indiana Glass Crystal Ice Pattern Clear Tree Bark Texture Beer Pitcher & Glass Set (72 Oz.) 8 1/8"h x 6 1/4"dia. 5 Glasses (12 Oz.) 6 1/4"h x 3"dia rim x 2 3/4"base $64.99 per set #83041
Circle Ware Lido Collection Clear Full Lead Crystal Cordial Set With Embossed Floral Design, Gold Ring Detailing
$49.99 per set
Indiana Glass Crystal Ice Pattern Mug Set Clear Tree Bark Texture Glass Beer Mug Set (12 Oz.) 5 3/4"h x 3 1/4"dia. $24.99 per set #103150
Crystal Ice Pattern Footed Tumbler Set
(10 Oz.) 4"h x3 3/4"dia.x 3"dia base $24.99 (3)
Colony King's Crown Pattern Green footed Water Goblet Set By Indiana Glass (8 Oz,) 5 5/8"h x 3 1/8"
$19.99 (2)
Colony King Crown Pattern Avocado Green $38.99 (7) #85471
Colony King Crown Pattern Avocado Green Dessert Cups (6 Oz.) 3 1/8"h x 2 7/8"dia. $34.99 (6 piece ) #50115
Colony King Crown Pattern Avocado Green Dessert Cups
3-(6 oz. )3 1/8"h x 3 7/8"dia. 2 7/8"round base $24.99 (3)
(4 Oz.)4 3/8"h x 2 1/8 $7.99 each #41845
(8 Oz.) 5 5/8"h
$7.99 each
Fluted Style Wine Glass With Silver Plated Concentric Trumpet-Form Base (4 Oz.) 4 1/2"h $15.99 (2 piece) #52681
6 5/8"h x 3 1/4"dia. $44.99 (3) #31823
Clear Glass Fluted Parfait Glasses With Flaring Base (5 Oz.) 5 5/8"h x 2 5/8"dia. $34.99 (6) piece set #37924Clear Glass Parfait Glasses $34.99 (6) piece set #37924
(8) piece set $44.99 per set #45066
Libbey Clear Glass Ice Cream Sundae Glasses With Scalloped Rim And Flared Base
4 7/8"h x 4"dia.
$34.99 (6 )
Avocado Green Shot Glasses With Swirl Stem
$29.99 each #31657
(8 Oz.) 5 3/4"h x 3 3/4"dia $29.99 (3) #41824
Set Of (3)Green Goblets Embossed With Raised Foliage & Branches 12 Oz. 7"h x 3 7/8" $29.99 (3) #41839
Bartlett Collins Glass Goblet With Frosted Grapes & Vines (14 Oz. )6 1/8″h $12.99 (1) # 52755
(6 Oz.) 4 1/8"dia. x 3"h $34.99 (6)
Tiara Pattern Clear Sandwich Glass Dessert Cups By Indiana Glass Co. (6 Oz.) 3 1/8"h x 3 3/4"dia Cup 3"dia base $34.99 (6)
Glass Goblets Embossed With Strawberries, Grapes, Apples & Foliage
(12 Oz.) 5 1/2"h x 4"dia.bowl x 2 3/8 "dia. base $29.99 (3)
cRibbed Entirely large Clear Glass Goblets (20 Oz.) 6 1/4"h x 4 1/4"dia. 3 3/8" base $29.99 (2) #55833
Clear Wine Glass Set Features Beautiful Long Faceted Cuts 6-(7 Oz.) 5"h x 3 5/8"dia. x 2 7/8 base $34.99 (5) #41941
Ribbed, paneled With Scalloped Rim, Paneled Base, Low Multi-Sided Stem 4 3/4"h x 4 1/2"dia. $34.99 (6) #59824
etched roses & foliage
$34.99 (6) piece set #31625
Clear Glass Goblet With Pressed Thumb Print Indentations At Bottom Of The Bowl Pepsi Cola Written Surround The Bowl Pepsi Cola Goblets
6 1/8"h 4"dia
$29.99 (2)
Cristal D’Arquar Lead Crystal (2 Oz.) Sherry Glasses 4 1/4"h x 2"dia. $15.99 (2) #82824
Cera Coin Decanter Set Features Coins From Around The World.
SKU: 33711
4 7/8"h x 4" $29.99 (3)
6 1/4"h x 4 3/8"dia.
$34.99 (5) piece set
Serving station
$59.99 each #33368
2 3/4"h x 2 3/4" $29.99 (10) piece set #54909
Coquito Wine Glasses $16.99 (2)
6 5/8"h x 3 1/2 "
$19.99 (2)
4 Oz. 3 3/8"h x 3 3/8"dia. x 2 5/8 base
$12.99 (2 piece)
Clear Glass Wine Glasses Or Dessert Cups With Tulips & Foliage Etchings
(8 Oz. 4 1/4"dia x 3 7/8"h $19.99 (2 Piece Set)
Daisies & Foliage Wine Glass Set (5 Oz) 4 "h x 3 7/8"rim 3"base. $34.99 (6 piece) #85503
Clear Glass Wine Glasses With Tulips & Foliage Etchings
(4) 6 Oz. 5"h x 3"dia. x 2 5/8"dia. base $29.99 (4 piece)
Clear Crystal Wine Glass With Etched flower Heads
3 1/2" x 3 1/2"
$21.99 (3)
alder glass (6 Oz.) 10 1/4"h $15.99 each #32539
A (4) Piece Clear Wine Glass Set With Etched Foliage
3 3/4"h x3 3/4"dia
$24.99 (4)
Princess House Crystal Heritage Pattern Wine Glass Set Etched In Vining Floral (6 Oz.) 4 3/8"h x 3 5/8"dia. x 2 7/8"round base $24.99 (4) #48622
Clear Wine Flute With A Cobalt Blue multi-sided Leaf Stem (6 Oz.) 8 7/8"h x 1 7/8"dia $7.99 each #74791
Clear Wine Glass Blue Stem 81/4"h
$24.99 (3) piece set
Vertically Ribbed Entirely Wine Glass Set With Bulbous Stem 1-(6 Oz.) 6 1/2"h 1-(6 Oz.) 8 1/8
$15.99 (2)
Clear Crystal Wine Glass
4 7/8"hx
$ 9.99
9 1/4"h x 3"
$15.99 (2) piece set
$15.99 each
Irish Coffee Liqueur Glasses Serve An Irish Coffee Cocktail In These Stunning Glasses (6 Oz.)5 3/4"h $34.99 (4) #60532
Pink Salmond Color Wine Glass With Etched Flower
(6 Oz.) 3 3/4"h x 3 3/4"dia 2 3/4"base
$9.99 each #38965
Clear Glass Wine Glass Etched With Flowers And Foliage With Knob Stem
5 3/4″h
$24.99 (3)
6"h (6 Oz.)
$24.99 (3)
Clear Wine Glass Set With Diamond Bubble Stem
(6 Oz.) 5 5/8"h x 2 1/2"dia x 2 3/4"
$44.99 (8)
Cordial Set W/ Etched Foliage
(8 Oz.)
7"h x 3 5/16"dia
$24.99 (3)
# 43804
Clear Wine Glass Set With Etched Ferns And Foliage
( 6 Oz.) 5 1/4" x 3 3/4"dia. .
$21.99 (3)
Sherry Glass Set With Etched Ferns And Foliage (2 Oz.) 4 1/2"h x 2 3/4"dia Cup $21.99 (3) #84662
Old Michelob (4 Piece ) 16 Oz. Beer Goblets $29.99 (4)