Clear Glass Oil Lantern By Eagle Antique High Capacity With Frosted Chimney Shield Shade Brass Fittings & Wick
To Provide The Light Needed During Power Outages When A Flashlight Would Not Do. Comes with a new flat wick and you can adjust the brightness by turning the knob up or down. The chimney is frosted with a wide clear rim. The heavy clear textured glass base is large, paneled and can hold 32 Oz.
- The burner is marked Eagle
- The thumb wheels are marked P&A for Plume & Atwood.
- The new wick was tested but not used
- 1- ( 32 Oz.) 19″h x 6 1/4″dia.
some age related wear is visible on the brass, frosted chimney cover seemingly from adhering or removing the glass hurricane
1 in stock
Loc: 5858